Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Write an Objective Statement For a Tutor Job?

How to Write an Objective Statement For a Tutor Job?The purpose of a Tutor Objective Statement is to present the teacher's job description and a description of what the tutor's duties and responsibilities will be. It is intended to give students an idea about what they are getting into. Most likely they will have an intention to apply for the position of a tutor and if they have the talent they can get them for free.The reasons why you are being accepted are not to read the exact reason why you are being hired but the motives to your reasons for wanting to tutor. This will determine your mindset. For example, if your motive is because you feel you have the potential to be successful then you will develop more interest in your studies, this will eventually lead to better results and will be a great boost for your career.What you write in the objective statement is only part of it. The main part of it is making sure that you are actually ready to serve and it is actually giving you eve rything that you need to do it. It is most important to know that there are some who just want to teach the material and forget about their own knowledge and your skills. You need to be prepared and to be able to work on your academic skills.There are two forms of objectives that you can use: thematic and pedagogical. Theme Objective Statement and some must skills that you should possess. They are for thematic objectives and it will also tell about the focus and the subject area you would like to specialize in. One can think of any subject.Pedagogical objectives should be very specific and related to your goals. If your primary goal is to prepare your children for a college career then you need to ensure that you will prepare them for a college course. You need to prove that you are capable of teaching them about the latest subjects and apply what you learn in real life situations. The pedagogical objectives should be focused on those subjects.The objective statement should be a gui de for you as to what you should look for while searching for a tutor. If you choose the right one and he or she is helpful and friendly with students and will actually fit your lifestyle then you will become a good mentor and friend. By writing a good objective statement you will be helping yourself by enhancing your knowledge and capabilities.A tutor objective statement has a lot of aspects and you need to find the one that suits you the best. You need to be prepared to carry out the task and make sure that you have all the things that you need to do in order to carry out your role effectively.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Acing General Chemistry on the MCAT

Acing General Chemistry on the MCAT MCAT Medical School Admissions Reviewing and relearning a multitude of topics and subjects for the MCAT is no easy feat for most students. Many find general chemistry especially burdensome since it is usually taken freshman year and well forgotten by the time MCAT preparation comes around. Thisarticle explores various tips useful for brushing up on your chemistry knowledge and studying for it as efficiently as possible. How important is general chemistry? General Chemistry makes up about thirty percent of questions on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems Section of MCAT and five percent of all questions in Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems. It is essential to scoring well on the test and getting into a medical school. How do I know what general chemistry topics to study? AAMC website has a section (“What's on the MCAT Exam?”) that lists all the topics on each section of the MCAT. Some of the high yield topics are: acids and bases, electrochemistry, chemical equilibria, and stoichiometry. Studying all the topics thoroughly is essential to scoring well on the exam, and being prepared for any question given on the test. How should I study general chemistry? Making a list of topics will help with feeling less overwhelmed and more organized. You can begin by reviewing a topic either using a book or watching Khan Academy videos (Khan Academy has a section dedicated to MCAT and all its topics). Most of the time, however, must be spent on practicing problems. Practice does make perfect! Many students make a mistake of spending days and months going over topics, but not doing much practice. Solving problems and going over mistakes is vital to scoring well on the exam. All the tests, problem sets and flashcard problems released by AAMC should be practiced prior to the test date. However, it should be noted that practicing AAMC problems is not enough and other sources should be used for further preparation. Also, it is important to make a list of chemistry formulas and constants (speed of light, Plank’s constant, ideal gas constant) and memorize them before the test. Writing out all the formulas from memory every morning is a good way to start the day! Watch out for units! Got stuck on a question? Units will often come to the rescue. Chemistry is all about units. Units will help you remember many formulas and to know whether division or multiplication is needed. Let’s say a question asks to find the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of 20g of aluminum from 30to 45given that the specific heat capacity of aluminum is 0.902 J/g. Specific heat capacity has the unit of J/g. Thus, heat (Joules) can be found by eliminating grams and since two temperatures are given, it can be inferred that a change in temperature is needed: 45-30= 15. To cancel the units of g and and get Joules, specific heat capacity must be multiplied by mass (in grams) and change in temperature (inCelsius). Brush up on your math skills. Solving most chemistry problems and coming up with a correct answer requires math. A calculator is not allowed on the MCAT and, therefore, students should improve their math skills and become comfortable with multiplying and dividing very complex numbers. Converting most numbers into scientific notation will help make division and multiplication very easy. Let’s say we need to divide 0.00805 by 403. At first, this task might seem a little daunting, but not after we convert both numbers into scientific notation! Learn to analyze graphs and tables. Most of the time, not all the needed information and numbers are given in the question stem. Remaining components needed to solve the problem can be found in the passage and through the interpretation of graphs and charts. Almost every passage will have a chart, graph, or table that needs to be analyzed. Reading the name of the x-axis and y-axis as well as the title and legend will help you understand the information the graph is trying to convey. For chemistry questions, oftentimes, missing components are found on the charts and graphs presented in the passage. Thus, it is very important not to overlook these essential pieces of information. Conclusion Using the tips and tricks listed above should help you review and practice general chemistry productively. It’s time to ace the MCAT and become an amazing doctor! Are you ready? About the Author Mayya Glushankova is the Founder and Head Tutor at Transformation Tutoring LLC as well as a chemistry enthusiast. At Transformation Tutoring, we specialize in Science and Math tutoring on all levels. Our tutors have many years of experience and truly care about the success of their students. We have helped hundreds of students successfully complete college and prepare for the GRE, MCAT and DAT. Many are now enrolled in top schools such as Columbia Medical School and NYU Medical School and participating in well-known graduate programs in the medicine and health fields. Please call 646-407-9078 or visit www.transformationtutoring.comfor more information.

Can You Do My Homework Excellent Solution to Any Task

Can You Do My Homework Excellent Solution to Any Task Can You Do My Homework: Excellent Solution to Any Task Can You Do My Homework: Excellent Solution to Any Task Lets be honest. Only a few students like studying and doing homework. Others find it not only boring but sometimes extremely difficult. Someone doesn’t understand the very point of the homework. Some students are not interested in the subject. The reasons why you need help with your task may be different. And there are only three ways to solve the problem: You can struggle but cope with an assignment;You can ask your tutor or friend to help you;You can use a special online service. AssignCode is a perfect website where you can get impeccable professional completion of any “Do my math homework” task. The service has distinct advantages even in comparison with tutor assistance. You don’t need to spend hours trying to remember endless rules, theorems, and formulas. You don’t have to think about how to express your thoughts in ink. The experienced experts do everything for you. You get the following benefits by using AssignCode assistance: More free time. It’s not a secret that the process of doing homework is rather time-consuming. After classes, you have to do an assignment after assignment instead of relaxing or going out with friends. Thanks to our service, you can get extra spare time for chilling;Better mood. It’s a strange thing but when you know that you shouldn’t get through super-duper complicated theorems, you feel better. When you feel better, your productivity increases. You can devote your free time to your hobby:Release from the constant stress. It’s typical for students who can’t find a common language with his or her tutor. In such a situation, every assignment may seem to be real torture;Better your grades. Some students don’t mind what grades they get. For others, academic performance is of primary importance. AssignCode allows bettering grades with small efforts;Improve your skills in the subject. The completed “Can you do my homework” request can be a good model to follow when doing similar tasks. So, there are too many pluses in using our service. Still, many students hesitate to order an assignment because they don’t know how to do it. The following information may be helpful to them. How Can You Do My Homework Service Works AssignCode is an amazing catch for a wide range of people: Students who have neither time nor desire to cope with Math exercises;Tutors who want to improve their skills and keep up to date;Newbies in accounting who don’t catch the essence of the subject. The easiest way to get your assignment done is to fill in the special form on our website. It’s possible to write only one sentence “Do my homework for me” and our managers will contact you sooner. If you want experts to start immediately, it’s better to notice the following information: The exact topic of your assignment;The academic level: high school, college, university, etc.;Formatting requirements:Additional demands. They may include the necessity of using definite formula, for example;Set up deadlines;Don’t forget to pay for the order. Our service isn’t free but affordable. You shouldn’t be afraid that you spend all your money. As soon as we get your order, we start picking up the most appropriate experts. Our company cooperates with highly qualified specialists from all over the globe. Still, we provide you with top-notch task written in excellent English. It’s possible to receive help in many subjects such as Algebra, Geometry, Statistics, Coding, Programming, etc. With AssignCode, studying is easy and trouble-free. The best way to check it is to experience it. Do it right now!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 tips for building reading skills

5 tips for building reading skills Reading can often be a chore especially as children read at school so many don't want to read at home. Whether you are trying to encourage your child to read to build their reading and vocabulary skills, to open up the wonderful world of books and their benefits or whether they need to read for homework, our tips will ensure that reading never has to be a chore again. 1. Create a reading routine Have a time in the day that is saved for reading and try to incorporate the same time every day. This way your child will get into the habit of reading every day and hopefully will start looking forward to that reading time. 2. Create a reading place Whether it be a pile of cushions and pillows, an indoor den or simply snuggled on the sofa under a blanket, creating a place where your child will feel comfortable and snug sets the perfect setting for some good reading time. 3. Vary the material There are so, so many things for children and adults to read that there will certainly be something that will interest your child. They can choose from hundreds of different reading materials including: cookbooks joke books social media magazines comic strips newspapers blog posts tablet apps Kindle books With such a variety your child will soon find something that they love to read, a great way to start their reading journey. 4. Let your child choose Take a trip to your local library or a charity shop and let your child spend some time looking through the different books and choosing one that really appeals to them. If your child has a particular interest you could go online and look at the different books available in that topic and order one that you have chosen together. Turn it into a sneaky reading experience by having your child read the reviews and synopsis of the books you are exploring. 5. Read aloud together By taking the time to read aloud with your child you can add all sorts of feelings and emotions to your text which will make reading even more fun. Take turns to read paragraphs or chapters and have fun making your voices sound different and creating an atmosphere. Encourage your child to increase or decrease their reading rate depending on which is needed and encourage them to add as much or little dramatic expression to their voices as they see fit. Your child will not only enjoy the reading session better but will also build up their imaginations and explore their senses.

7 Things to Expect as a Line Cook

7 Things to Expect as a Line Cook Image via Pexels Working in the food industry is not for just anybody, as you have to be a specific kind of person who not only loves to cook but also can handle certain responsibilities of operating a kitchen. Unfortunately, cooking and baking for friends and family occasionally is a long way from working in the food/restaurant industry. There are many occupational positions within the food industry ranging from sous chef to executive chef, with the introductory, baseline position being a line cook. You may be asking yourself, what is a line chef and how does this apply to me? A line cook is an entry level position in a restaurant that essentially involves being responsible for cooking food according to the standards of the specific restaurant, customer, or chef. If you are looking for a way to ease into the restaurant industry and work your way up in positions, a line cook job may be for you! For first-time beginners, here are a few points entailing what to expect as a line cook. Image viaPexels 1. Manage stress well: Restaurants and especially restaurant kitchens can be extremely fast-paced, loud, and hot at times. As a line cook, you’ll have to deal with these circumstances regularly, which can become stressful. If you are looking into being a line cook, make sure that you can function well in not only busy but also high-stress environments. 2. Prepare for some danger: Due to the nature of the job, line cooks may encounter minor or major problems that interfere with their performance. Being fast-paced can result in mistakes happening mistakes such as small cuts, burns, and bruises. Situations like this are not fun or pleasant so if you do not handle the potential of being hurt well, this kind of position may not be for you. 3. Money, money, money: Restaurant workers, depending on the position, typically make good incomes. Though line cook positions are entry level, according to, the average salary for all line cooks is about $14 per hour. At high-end restaurants, line cooks can earn up to $18.25 per hour. One of the perks of being a line cook is being able to have free meals while you work! 4. Education: In the culinary industry, most positions require some form of higher education, whether it be an associates degree or a bachelor’s degree. These two to four-year programs usually include basic training for working in food industries, such as cooking techniques, health and safety procedures, and other managerial restaurant duties, states. 5. Get used to the hours: Line cooks are used to unusual, long hours on the job. Shifts can range from very early mornings to late nights, and even holidays. Not only is the timing of the shifts sometimes difficult, the length of the shifts prove to be even harder. The job itself is unforgiving and requires constant energy, so the most important priority when working is to take care of your body. To be able to function well as a line cook, Paul Sorgule of notes, “Eat well, eat appropriately, hydrate, exercise frequently, buy the right shoes, bend when you lift, use dry side towels when grabbing a hot pan or tray, and see a doctor on a regular basis.”  6.  Embrace your chance to brand yourself: Though you are working under the supervision of someone in a higher position than you, as a line cook, you can use your skills of quickness and creativity to make yourself stick out and move up in the business. The traits and qualities unique to you will only help you become better recognized for your hard work and your hospitality in the kitchen. 7. Move on to greater positions: As stated earlier, being a line cook is a basic, entry-level position. However, the longer you work in this position and the more places you are exposed to will only help you grow and build your status as a restaurant worker. You could be a line cook today but within the span of a few years you could be a sous chef or even the executive chef of a restaurant that you created yourself; you have the potential! Image viaPexels For many, working in stressful and fast paced environments makes their blood curl. For others, the rush of adrenaline and boost of energy keeps them motivated to work the best they can. Line cooks rely on their love of food, their need to make customers happy and their desire to build themselves in the food industry. When considering a job like this, ask yourself if this sounds like an occupation that could be fitting for you and never forget the power of positivity and personal relationships. As always, best of luck to you!

A Journey of 4 Successful Habits!

A Journey of 4 Successful Habits! A Journey through 4 Successful Habits1. Dream Big!Have you ever met a person that always searched for the next, big idea? One might call this type of personality the “big dreamer”. The individual believes that they will score an A+ on every Math quizzes, or save a lot of money for the next, most popular video game. To dream big is to believe that one can achieve the impossible. A student can enhance that large research paper by adding their own creative, imagery style. Depending on a subject of a class history project, the student can collect novels on how the world languages started. One can also enhance an art class project, by finding items in their home, which are not being used, and make a dinosaur village, or a start a flower, photo collage. One can always “dream big” at any age.2. Think Positive!As a student or tutor, there are a lot of things that we like to do. One has their school, work, and leisure life each day. After school and work, a person might have homework, go to an extracurricular activity, or visit their grandparents. Do you wonder what would happen to a person’s daily schedule, if they did not stay positive? Let’s say that you and your classmates come to school one day. You all walk into the classroom on time, possible 8 AM. All students are chatting and talking to each other about the previous weekend. The conversations that are heard around the classroom could be the planning of a school dance. In twenty minutes, each student notice that the teacher is not seated at his/ her desk. The classroom gets quieter, and everyone wonders if there will be a substitute teacher for the day. After many minutes later, the teacher walks into the classroom but seems different from the previous day. She slowly sits at her desk and does not say a word to the class. Her facial expressions seem tired, and she is looking out of sorts. What would you do to make your teacher smile? This teacher took the class on many field trips during th e school year and canceled one surprised pop quiz. What are some ways that the students could make their teacher happy or positive?3. Focus on Strengths!Take a moment to think about who is your favorite television hero? Does this superhero have the mental or physical strength? What makes this hero different from all the other heroes in the movie or book? If you had the strength of this person, how would you use your talents? Are there things in this superhero that you wish was more creative, or used better judgment? Strength is “the quality or state of being strong: capacity for exertion or endurance, a power to resist force: solidity, toughness, or power of resisting attack” according to Merriam Webster, 2018. Most people express strength in many different ways. One can be strong enough to lift 100 lbs of weight at a gym, without too much exertion. Some people have a large level of mental strength to play a game of chess for five hours. The other person could have a large amount of physical strength for climbing six flights of stairs, at a fast pace. Answer the stated questions above, and make a list of your strengths. Students that have unique strengths in different things can dream much bigger.4. Take a Stand!Your best friend tells you at school that he found an abandoned puppy. He took pictures of the puppy with his phone. The puppy is a cute, brown, 2-month-old Lab, with a collar, but no name tag. You and your friend are chatting about the puppy after school. The next day, your friend comes to school and tells you that some strange person came to his home, and demanded that the puppy belonged to them. Your hopes of adopting the puppy are shattered, and you are upset. The two of you go to the local dog shelter and look for another puppy. However, as the week goes on, you cannot stop thinking about the 2-month-old Lab. The next week, the abandoned puppy wanders up to your friend’s home. Your friend and his mother take the puppy to a local an imal shelter and try to obtain information concerning the supposed puppy owner. After being told by your friend that the puppy does not belong to a person, you quickly want the chance to adopt the young Lab. You are then told that it is a possibility if the puppy is not adopted in so many weeks, it may be euthanized. Your first thought is to tell your parents about the puppy, run to the animal shelter. The next day, your parents drive you to the shelter, and the puppy is on the list for being euthanized early, because of a health problem, which might be expensive to reverse. Your parents are very doubtful that they can afford the medical procedure, and tell you that the puppy cannot go home with you. What do you do? How will you take a stand, stay positive, and believe your dreams of owning a puppy?Reference Merriam Webster. (2018). Definition of Strength. Retrieved on:

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Review - An Easy to Use Chemistry Lab Instructor That Is Fun to Learn With

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Review - An Easy to Use Chemistry Lab Instructor That Is Fun to Learn WithThe Organic Chemistry Tutor has made learning this subject fun and engaging. Not only do you get an easy to use chemistry lab instructor with tons of features and an easy to understand interface, but you also get a bunch of reviews from users that are satisfied with the Organic Chemistry Tutor.One of the features that sets the Organic Chemistry Tutor apart from the rest is its ease of use. This is the first ever chemistry lab instructor designed with this particular material in mind. You can setup your chemistry lab in a snap by dragging and dropping the required materials. From there, the chemical equations are done for you, and you can begin to work on your experiment.The other thing that sets the Organic Chemistry Tutor apart from the rest is its user-friendly interface. There are just a few basic steps involved in setting up your lab and with the Organic Chemistry Tutor, you can get started in just a few seconds. This makes it the easiest way to get your chemistry lab up and running.One of the other features that sets the Organic Chemistry Tutor apart from the rest is its intuitive graphics. Unlike most chemistry labs, where it can be difficult to understand what the teacher is talking about, this professor is designed with two buttons on the front that makes it really easy to follow along.The chemistry tutor also has lots of advanced features that make it an outstanding buy. You can choose from two extra modules that will help you learn advanced topics such as spectroscopy, flow, and the abstract theory of chemistry.If you would like to further educate yourself further in chemistry and try your hand at the teaching of other subjects, the Organic Chemistry Tutor is ideal for you. The other great feature is that you get a plethora of materials to help you learn with.The Organic Chemistry Tutor has been rated the best selling chemistry lab instructor by thous ands of users. It is worth every penny spent and can easily help you learn chemistry with ease. It is not only a great buy, but a very useful one too.

What Should You Know About Getting A Construction Supervisor License?

What Should You Know About Getting A Construction Supervisor License?If you're interested in becoming a construction supervisor or are already in one, it is important to obtain a construction supervisor license before continuing on with your career. In the United States, each state has its own state agency which regulates construction supervisors. As you prepare to obtain your license, you'll have to complete a training course that will help you qualify. A construction supervisor license means that you will be responsible for supervising the construction of any building or other structure within the state in which you hold a license.There are a number of different courses that are available and you will need to complete the same type of course in order to qualify for your license. You will first need to take a survey program, followed by an occupational safety program, and finally a fire fighting course. If you are interested in starting a construction business or if you are currentl y working in the construction industry, you may be required to complete an additional training course as well. The programs offered are usually either one-year courses or two-year courses, and although they don't offer the same career opportunities as an actual construction supervisor license, they can give you some knowledge about different construction techniques and safety procedures that are usually not taught during the survey program.The survey program will require that you go through basic education that includes classes on safety, construction, and environmental considerations. These classes will help you learn all about public works and how they work. Once you've learned the basics, you will have to take a series of practical and theoretical training programs that will be based on the kinds of construction you are going to be doing. Your training program will include topics such as designing projects, getting permits, and coordinating the construction process.The occupation al safety program will teach you all about health and safety regulations for construction sites. This includes environmental rules, standards for workers, and how to ensure the health and safety of the employees. It also includes materials handling, safety for workers and equipment, construction inspection, and other topics you need to know about in order to become a construction supervisor. One other important topic that will be covered is the appropriate use of tools.You will have to complete your survey program prior to applying for your license, and once you have completed this, you will need to complete the occupational safety program. This is because it will have to be the first thing you learned in order to get your construction supervisor license. It is very important that all supervisors are familiar with the guidelines and regulations set forth by the state's licensing agency.The other reason why you will need to get your construction supervisor license is because the requ irement states that you have to make sure that all workers on the job are covered under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA standards are designed to protect workers against specific health risks and this includes making sure that they are protected from airborne dust and toxic substances.It is also important to remember that you need to get your construction supervisor license in order to provide work protection for yourself and others on the job. Getting your license will give you a higher degree of safety for everyone that you work with.

Should I Go To University of Colorado Denver

Should I Go To University of Colorado Denver The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Kate received her Bachelors degree in Psychology and her Education Specialist degree from University of Colorado Denver. She is currently a tutor in Miami specializing in English tutoring, Public Speaking tutoring, Writing tutoring, and several other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at University of Colorado Denver: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Kate: One of the best parts of the University of Colorado system is the ability to partake in the full college experience on the Boulder campus, as well as the urban experience on the Denver campus. (Many students take classes in both places.) RTD Denver provides excellent transportation throughout the greater Denver/Boulder area, and it was recently rated one of the top transit systems in the United States. I walked through both campuses at night on many occasions, all without incident. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Kate:Most professors and advisers were accessible and very helpful. In addition, many professors and teaching assistants encouraged undergraduate students to participate in research projects and off-campus internships. One of the advantages of attending University of Colorado Denver was the ability to explore different academic interests while still earning college credits. Opportunities were also available to take graduate-level classes with instructor permission. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Kate:Student housing near the University of Colorado Denver campus was more like living in a downtown apartment than it was living in a university dorm. The housing available on Curtis Street is directly across from the Performing Arts Complex. It is also only a few blocks from the main campus, in the center of downtown Denver. This makes getting to different activities easy. There were many opportunities to socialize with other students, friends at work, and peers in the downtown community. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Kate:I studied Psychology, which was one of the most popular undergraduate programs at University of Colorado Denver, along with Biology and Business. The University of Colorado Denver provided phenomenal support inside and outside of the classroom. The Internship Coordinator helped me secure an internship at Judis House, a world-class counseling center for bereavement. It was easy to contact professors and to help with research I was personally interested in. Additionally, the Scholarship Coordinator was extraordinarily helpful. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Kate:Greek life plays a significant role on the Boulder campus, but it is not very noticeable on the University of Colorado Denver campus. I found it very easy to make friends and meet new people during my first semester at University of Colorado Denver. Personally, I enjoyed the ability to have different groups of friends at school and at work, as well as in extracurricular activities. Denver has a reputation for being an exceptionally friendly city for a reason! After already living downtown, I found it very easy to rent an apartment nearby. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Kate:The Career Center and Student Support Services were very helpful. Many students would drop in for free math or writing tutoring. Similarly, many students would use Student Support Services to help polish their resumes and cover letters. Not many reputable companies actively recruited on campus. However, many students found gainful employment after completing local summer internships. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Kate:The library at University of Colorado Denver was spacious. Students could easily request materials from the medical campus, but the library would always become a bit of a madhouse during finals week. On nice days, many students would choose to study on the lawn or walk to nearby coffee shops. There are also many hidden computer labs on campus. They are almost always empty, and many do not track how many sheets students print. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Kate:Downtown Denver and Boulder are each fun in their own ways. University of Colorado Denver students almost always go to the city center, which is where many student housing units are located. Boulder has more of a college town vibe, and it is an easy bicycle ride away from world-class hiking, rock climbing, and mountain biking. Even better, it is a quick drive or bus ride from Boulder to Denver (and vice versa). In the winter, students like to visit nearby ski slopes. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Kate:40,000 students attend the Auraria campus, which is shared with University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and the Community College of Denver. Academic resources tend to be better due to the shared campus, and students can easily take elective classes from different colleges. Class sizes range from over 100 students to 15 students. Overall, I was pleased with class sizes, and I felt like most professors had enough time to provide individual support to students. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Kate:I enjoyed the opportunities I could find on a large campus. One of the most memorable experiences I had was working as a bereavement counselor at Judis House, a Denver non-profit. I was able to find out what working in the industry was all about while earning credits toward graduation. Additionally, I was able to draw from prior experience working as a research assistant in Dr. Allens Relationship Laboratory at University of Colorado Denver to assist with an ongoing research effort between Judis House and University of Colorado Boulder. Internship and independent study classes largely focused on the experience, which I appreciated. Final papers were usually literature reviews, which helped enrich the experiences instead of detracting from them. Check out Kates tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.